If you are a B2B company and you don’t use whitepapers in your marketing mix you will get your clock cleaned by the competition.
Study after study over the years has consistently shown that whitepapers are one of the most influential marketing collaterals ever.
In fact, the only thing that can beat them in influence is positive word of mouth or personal recommendations.
According to the Eccolo Media 2011 B2B Technology Collateral Survey Report
- 62% of the respondents read whitepapers, second only from product brochures and beating other collateral like case studies.
- 65% considered whitepapers to be very or extremely influential in purchase decisions, the highest for any content collateral.
This quote from the survey captures, in a nutshell, what exactly is it about whitepapers and B2B technology marketing [Read more…] about 11 reasons your B2B technology whitepapers are broken