Pixels and Clicks

How To Avoid Costly Mistakes With This E-commerce Email Marketing Audit

This comprehensive email audit will help you sidestep glaring issues and avoid setup glitches that can cost your e-commerce brand 1000s of dollars in lost sales

E-commerce email marketing is simple: send the right message to the right person at the right time so that they are primed to buy from you.

But the execution can be fiendishly complex, and from basic setup mistakes to advanced issues like glitchy segmentation, the road to predictable e-commerce email revenue growth can be torturous.

So to make my life (and yours) easier, I have a 56-point audit checklist that I use to audit every email account I work on.

It incorporates best practices from across the eCommerce industry and helps you set up your e-commerce email for steady and sustainable growth.

The audit broadly focuses on three aspects:

1. Auditing For Deliverability

I consider this aspect to be the foundational bedrock of the audit because if your emails aren’t delivered, nothing you do matters.

How do you know if your emails are delivered on time? Here are some Klaviyo benchmarks to keep in mind

Points to be noted here:

Some more benchmarks from Klaviyo about the good, bad, and ugly as far as deliverability is concerned.

If your numbers are not in the good category, here’s how to improve them:

And that’s it.

Do these five things, and you are 50% there as far as deliverability is concerned.

The remaining 50% will depend on how you maintain list hygiene, adhere to anti-spam best practices, and respect your subscriber’s preferences.

2. Auditing for audience acquisition

Your email marketing success is directly tied to list growth.

This is because people churn out often.

And if you are emailing the same shrinking pool of people, your traffic and revenue metrics will take a swan dive off a cliff face.

Here’s what I do to improve audience acquisition:

If your email forms convert at around 6.5%, it’s considered excellent and industry-beating.

But this doesn’t mean you should stop testing and experimenting with different offers and angles to improve the conversion rate and, thus, the list growth rate.

3. Auditing for clicks and sales

Here comes the fun part.

Once you have the other two aspects of your email marketing on firm footing, you need to ensure that your emails are delivering sales.

Here’s what I look for in my audit for this section:


And there you have it: a simple and yet easy-to-understand e-commerce email marketing audit that can turn your email marketing setup into a predictable revenue stream

Any questions?

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